Process Solutions
We develop the best process solution for your needs.
We customize process solutions for your needs using the latest innovations
The Circle H2O team understands that there is no “one size fits all” solution for a water or wastewater treatment problem. Our technology agnostic approach to providing process solutions to our customers allows us to tailor our solution to meet the unique needs of our customers. Is upfront cost more important than life cycle cost? Is ease of operation and low operator attention and intervention the most important criteria? Are there footprint limitations at the project site or is real estate at a premium? Each wastewater challenge has a number of potential process design solutions that each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Circle H2O can rapidly and accurately evaluate all of these solutions and recommend what is best for the customer.

We are experts in resource recovery from wastewater
Circle H2O has experience implementing projects that recover resources from wastewater – energy, nutrients, and re-use quality water. For certain waste streams, this allows the wastewater generator to comply with pollution control regulations while generating revenue from the recovery and use or sale of these resources. Whether it be water conservation, net zero carbon emissions, energy neutrality, or even net energy positive, resource recovery from wastewater can help organizations meet their environmental sustainability goals. Wastewater reclamation is also one of the most successful strategies for conserving and augmenting freshwater supplies.

Membrane wastewater treatment and recycling
At the heart of all wastewater recycling process solutions are the ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membrane unit processes. The Circle H2O team members have successfully delivered membrane-based wastewater treatment and reclamation projects and understands that a properly designed pre-treatment system is the key to a successful wastewater reclamation system. We have developed membrane based wastewater reclamation systems for both municipal sewage, as well as a variety of industrial wastewater streams. We also have experience with a variety of membrane treatment and recycling systems, including membrane bioreactors and zero liquid discharge systems. Through our relationships with our technology partners, we even supply complete membrane modules along with the supporting fabricated cages for the projects we support.
Find out more about some of the latest solutions we are working on highlighted below
Ideal for when a compact footprint or high-quality treated water are required.
Ideal for recycling and reusing all wastewater, and becoming a closed-loop system.
Ideal generating reclaim water from existing wastewater streams for use as process and utility water.
Ideal for when high recovery reverse osmosis and low reject volumes are required.
Ideal for when complex custom process treatment schemes are required to meet objectives.